Monday, January 7, 2008


In the past two months some men from the CrossWalk iniative through Special Forces have gotten assignments from Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church and their Evangelism team. This past Saturday we did a walk through the Phoenix Apartments - a near Eastside apartment complex within what used to be known as 'the Meadows.' This area has seen a high crime and drug use rate and many have been asking God unapologetically to mightily intervene.

Our good God is busy answering those prayers. On Saturday, approximately 45 people from both EMBC and the CrossWalk team (I think about 12 of us were there - THANK YOU GOD!) joined hands and prayed afterward. We need to continue to be committed to this area specifically...but pray that God would begin to use us in other areas as well. The intentionality of the Special Forces/CrossWalk crew was very evident and we are confident that God has used us to save some!
Praise the Lord. Continue to check here for more details. I haven't been that great or consistent in updating this, but Lord willing that will improve in 2008!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We will be joining hands again with the EMBC team very shortly. I will notify you here as well as by email.